Brahma Rishi Vashishta Sagar himself being a true concept is determined to set the humankind free from karmic bondage and achieve the very purpose of our life; get rid from our obstacles and lead a peaceful life.
Sage Vashishta who has been the Guru of Lord Rama guiding him in Thretha yuga is Vashishta sagar in Kali yuga. Vashishta sagar along with Arundhati has taken birth in Kali yuga to guide the humankind; protect and maintain the Kali dharma and discard the adharma. His glimpse on us will bring peace to mind and soul. We can experience his divine glories in due course of time.
The personal experiences of the various disciples performing seva for The Guru has been very pleasurable and it has been indicated, in the scriptures of various rishi’s that sage vashishta has incarnated in Kali yuga as Vashishta Sagar and we are blessed to be with him. In order to remove the karmic bondage and to remove the obstacles in our present birth and attain mukthi, Brahmarishi Vashishta Sagar suggests various remedies and pariharams which when done religiously shows the results in a short period of time.
Just the grace and wordings of The Brahmarishi overrides the fate of one's life & helps to attain the purpose of our life- which we can experience everyday in our lives . Lets be a part of this spiritual journey by helping others in removing their karma and showing them the sparkling light! THE WISDOM OF BRAHMARISHI NEVER FAILS ! Every human would wish to lead a peaceful life free from obstacles and be successful wherever they are and whatever they do.
Brahmarishi VashishtaSagar has an Ashram in Bangalore & Chennai where we have the deity of tri-murthi's and The Brahmarishi being the divine sangama of the tri-muthi's blesses and guides people for divine tranquility by means of preaching people with meditation and suggests various yoga to be practised for various diseases. Just visiting this ashram would bring peace to mind and soul.
While going through this site you have taken the first step in coming out from your problems in life. For knowing more about our mission and the guidance we provide you can reach the Seva group of The Guru by mailing at
Sage Vashishta who has been the Guru of Lord Rama guiding him in Thretha yuga is Vashishta sagar in Kali yuga. Vashishta sagar along with Arundhati has taken birth in Kali yuga to guide the humankind; protect and maintain the Kali dharma and discard the adharma. His glimpse on us will bring peace to mind and soul. We can experience his divine glories in due course of time.
The personal experiences of the various disciples performing seva for The Guru has been very pleasurable and it has been indicated, in the scriptures of various rishi’s that sage vashishta has incarnated in Kali yuga as Vashishta Sagar and we are blessed to be with him. In order to remove the karmic bondage and to remove the obstacles in our present birth and attain mukthi, Brahmarishi Vashishta Sagar suggests various remedies and pariharams which when done religiously shows the results in a short period of time.
Just the grace and wordings of The Brahmarishi overrides the fate of one's life & helps to attain the purpose of our life- which we can experience everyday in our lives . Lets be a part of this spiritual journey by helping others in removing their karma and showing them the sparkling light! THE WISDOM OF BRAHMARISHI NEVER FAILS ! Every human would wish to lead a peaceful life free from obstacles and be successful wherever they are and whatever they do.
Brahmarishi VashishtaSagar has an Ashram in Bangalore & Chennai where we have the deity of tri-murthi's and The Brahmarishi being the divine sangama of the tri-muthi's blesses and guides people for divine tranquility by means of preaching people with meditation and suggests various yoga to be practised for various diseases. Just visiting this ashram would bring peace to mind and soul.
While going through this site you have taken the first step in coming out from your problems in life. For knowing more about our mission and the guidance we provide you can reach the Seva group of The Guru by mailing at
It is with strong belief and conviction on him people can achieve their objectives and goals. The Guru can help to guide and get rid of our obstacles if we succumb to him.
Also, In this blog, Brahmarishi Vashishta Sagar, in his spare time- answers one's inner questions reflected by one's constant relation with life;queries born out of bondage. Let our lives be filled with the guiding light and warmth of the knowledge.